boulevard de la Madeleine in paris with omnibus and people walking in the street

Porte St. Martin in paris in the snow with people, and horse pulled wagons on the street

The arc de triomhe in paris with people and horse and buggies on the street

place vendome in paris wtih people and horse and buggies on the street

cafe de la paix and the opera house in paris with people and horses and carts on street

a view of the madeleine in paris from rue tronchet with people walking in the street

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris from the corner of Place St. Michel with people, horses and carts in the street

porte saint denis in paris, street scene with horses, carts and people walking in the street

street scne in paris looking down rue la fayette with people on the street and a horse and carraige

A street in Paris with people walking, a horse drawn carriage

the arc de triomphe along the champs elysees in paris with people walking on the street and horses with carraiges and carts

the Pantheon in paris, people and flower cart, fountain