Arc de Triomphe et Avenue des Champs-Élysées à Paris en 1900 - Antoine Blanchard

painting by antoine blanchard of the madeleine from rue royale in paris

Painting by Antoine Blanchard of Porte St. Denis in Paris with people, horses and buggies

street scene of rue royale in paris with the madeleine in the background

street scene in paris of the flower market along the Madeleine

Arc de Triomphe

Les Grands Boulevards

painting of café de la paix along the boulevard des capucines in Paris

painting of the arc de triomphe in paris in the snow, people and horses in the street

painting of the madeleine in Paris view from rue tronchet, people walking in street

painting of the side of the Madeleine in paris with trees, people walking, horses and buggies with other uildings

Painting of Notre dame in Paris along quai St. Michel